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Sabatical Sugia summary

The idea of periodic Sabbaticals for all, arises in response to one of the most significant challenges of our era: the dramatic extension of life expectancy as it effects our pensions and labor market. This universal sabbatical will be modeled by the  existing  ,academic, medical  and  educational sabbaticals


Inspired by the biblical idea of “Shmitta”, it was suggested that a career break as a standard practice for all employees. that will allow for a delay in retirement age and offer a revitalizing tool for burnout  workers

Many aspects are raised in this Sugia discussion.

The Funding: A designated fund will be established. The crucial debate was around the source of the funding: the government? The employee .the employer or like other social benefits, from both the employer and the employee with the government pitching in through tax exemption.

It was argued that many employees who can barely survive with their existing income an additional deduction from their salaries would be intolerable – thus widening the inequality gap.

Another challenge discussed was the workplace ability to allow for a regular absence of employees although some suggested it will increase efficiency.

These issues were linked to the debate on the optimal duration of the sabbatical, where some suggested that beside the atove  challenges  a 3 month period will be used more efficiently.


This in turn raised the question of the content of the sabbatical: some suggested to regulate the activities allowed (spiritual and academic learning ,  career connected courses etc).

This issue was strongly linked to the  patronizing debate : should the Sabbatical be mandatory, or optional .