

Compassion | מקורות

"Let Us Make Adam in Our Image" | Genesis Rabbah 8:5

Rav Simon said:
When the Holy One was about to create Adam,
the ministering angels formed themselves
into groups and companies,
some of them saying, “Let him be created,”
while others urged, “Let him not be created.”
Thus it is written,
“Love and truth fought each other,
righteousness and peace combated each other"

(Psalm 85:11).

Love said,
“Let him be created because he will perform acts of love.”
Truth said,
“Let him not be created because all of him will be falsehood.”
Righteousness said,
“Let him be created because he will do righteous deeds.”
Peace said,
“Let him not be created because he will be all strife.”
What did the Holy One do?
He took Truth and cast him to the ground,
as is said:
“You cast truth to the ground"

(Daniel 8:12).

The ministering angels dared say to the Holy One:
“Master of the Universe
why do You humiliate Your seal,
let Truth arise from the earth.”
Hence it is written:
“Let truth grow from the earth"

(Psalm 85:12).

The elder Rav Huna of Sepphoris said:
While the ministering angels were conferring
and disputing with one another,
the Holy One created Adam and then said:
“What are you conferring about, man is already made (ne’esah).”