I’ve learned so much from my own wanderlust that I decided to pass it on to my employees: Everyone gets a free one-month trip every five years. Here’s why.
Plain and simple: Sabbaticals make business sense.
Bolivia, Morocco, Vietnam, and many other exotic locations worldwide, have taught me valuable business lessons. That’s because I would throw most of my income from my first business into yearly treks that would flood my head with business ideas. These annual, three-month trips never failed to rekindle the fire in my belly needed to lead a fast-growing company.
My biggest light-bulb moment—the one that spurred the idea for my company—happened on Red Frog Beach in Panama. I was thinking that marathons and 5Ks had become, well, boring. It was time to inject military-style obstacles, mud, and beer. We created an event called Warrior Dash, which did just that. In three years it became the world’s largest running series.
The full extended summary
אשה בעלת משרתים שעושים עבורה את כל העבודות .